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Difference Between Bubble Sort and Selection Sort

Sorting is a fundamental operation in computer science, and numerous algorithms are designed to accomplish this task efficiently.

Two popular sorting algorithms are Bubble Sort and Selection Sort. While both algorithms aim to arrange elements in ascending or descending order, they differ in their approach and performance characteristics.


Bubble Sort is a simple comparison-based sorting algorithm that repeatedly swaps adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order.

It gets its name from how smaller elements "bubble" to the top of the list during each pass.

The basic idea behind Bubble Sort is to iterate through the entire list multiple times until it becomes sorted.


Bubble Sort has a time complexity of O(n^2) in the worst and average cases. It is not suitable for large datasets due to its slow performance.

However, Bubble Sort has the advantage of simplicity and ease of implementation.

Here's an example of an implementation Bubble Sort program in C...